Monday, July 26, 2010

More suggestions, please

In the effort to actually get on a working budget, I'm trying to track my spending. My mother would just say, "Use a piece of paper." I'm far too gadgety for that. Can anyone recommend an app for easy tracking of spending? Specifically cash. I'd like it to total for me as well. Yah, coz I'm lazy like that. This would be for my iPod. While I love my BlackBerry, it's a pain to load apps on it. Tiny memory. Sheesh.


Sizzle said... can help with that. I just created my own excel spreadsheet because I am anal retentive like that.

Unknown said...

I've just started using Mint. I'm looking to track daily spending, not just budgeting. Thanks. :)

Pretty Things said...

I was going to say Microsoft Money or Quicken but now I'm not sure it does daily spending -- but it might....