Tuesday, April 15, 2008

it's like outfits

i changed my layout and template here. i liked the other one, but this is a little more "fun". and given how the weather seems to be improving, i like fun. :)

rollup sent a text last night. i was, sadly, already asleep. still no word from socrates, but he's sick, so i'm not surprised or disappointed. i'm not sure what's happening on either front, but i'm just going to try keeping my mouth shut, my inane questions here, and see what happens. wish me luck.

last night i got to work more on the quick step.
heel, toe. toe. toe. toe, heel. heel, toe. toe. toe. toe, heel. collect.
that's (i think) two patterns. this is going to take A LOT of work, and i'm quite sure won't be ready (in my opinion) for either of the summer showcases. *sigh*

oh and happy tax day.

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